April 12, 2010

Part 2: Heels Were Invented By Satan To Make Me Look Like An Ass

However the return trip after class back and to my dorm was less than successful. Much less. I took a different exit out of the building to avoid any extra stairs. My feet were kind of hurting, and again I felt as though I was walking funny. I was forced to walk down a steep hill, and I did ok. My dorm was in sight and I was almost there. Except for the crosswalk.

For some reason on this very day, cars decided to actually stop for pedestrians and had to wait for me to slowly and oddly walk across the street in my heels that I now hated. I could barely walk and didn’t think I was going to make it across the big parking lot to my dorm. So close, yet so far. Luckily at the beginning of the parking lot, there was a bench off to the side. I make a beeline for it and pretend I was texting on my phone and enjoying the day for a little while. I waited until barely anyone was around and made my move.

I could convince myself I didn’t look like an ass all those other times, but this time I knew I did. I could feel it. I looked like I had been walking in those shoes for months straight and was nearly rolling my right ankle with each step. And then I come upon the sea of rocks outside the door to my dorm that I had smartly avoided earlier, but in my rush to get these shoes off forgot. I made my way over them looking like I was going to fall and injure myself with every step. I made it to the stairs outside and casually looked to see if anyone saw me. Just one girl who I didn’t even know. Thank God. I opened the door and dragged myself up the stairs inside. I unlocked and flung open the door to my suite, but before I entered I ripped those demon heels off of my feet.

Upon entering my room, I threw them into my closet. They may never see the light of day again. They had ripped the polish off of my toenails and even worse, made me look like a complete and total ass.

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