May 5, 2010

Baseball Hats Were Created For Men

Specifically those who actually play baseball, but the average everyday dude can pull them off too. However, the people baseball hats are not meant for are women. I know you lady sports fans are going to kill me but I mean, come on. The only thing you could wear that would be more masculine is a mustache. I understand that the baseball hat makers of the world are trying to include, and even target, women by making pink baseball hats. But that doesn’t mean you have to give in and wear one!

Sometimes we ladies don’t feel like doing the whole 20 minute routine of styling our hair before we run out somewhere. And sometimes we’re not having the greatest hair day in the universe. It’s ok, I get it. But I do not get women who insist on wearing manly baseball hats to try to mask these things, because frankly, you’re not fooling anyone. The second I see a woman with a baseball hat on I know there is some seriously funked up hair going on underneath it. The more you try to hide it with a stupid baseball hat, the more obvious it is that your hair looks horrible today. Sure, throw your annoying hair back in a ponytail- instant style right there. But for the love of God do not proceed to strategically place a baseball hat over it.

We all know guys have it easier in every aspect of fashion, and even just in the daily routine. I wish I could take a 5 minute shower, brush my teeth, throw on some clothes, and be out the door but I can’t. Because I’m not a man. If I don’t feel like styling my hair, I am not going to put on a baseball hat. Because I’m not a man. A hair elastic can solve any major bad hair day with a flick of the wrist, and presto, a cute non-manly ponytail. But I swear, the next time you reach for that baseball hat I’ll chop your hand off.

And the only thing worse than wearing a baseball hat is losing a hand in a baseball hat related incident. You have been warned.

(Photos courtsey of and

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